As the summer draws to a close, there are still a few good weeks left to enjoy those hot weather treats. What, you may ask, is the tastiest treat of this season? Ice-Cream, of course.
NetCost Market is proud to serve a wide array of ice-creams, both local and more exotic brands. We have flavors and varieties of ice-cream to suit every palate. You can check out our great selection here.
Before you go ahead and order yourself some cool treats, here are five funky facts about ice cream you’ve probably never heard of before:
- In Hawaii, there is a fruit known as the Blue Java Banana; or alternatively Ice Cream Bean or Cenzio, which is said to have the same consistency as ice-cream. This fruit is hard, cold-tolerant and is supposed to taste exactly like sweet vanilla custard. How neat!
- Ever heard of the term “Brain Freeze”? We’ve all probably experienced that sensation of getting a quick, intense headache after eating ice-cream too quickly, but for what reason? The reason for the “freezes” is a result of the nerve endings in the roof of your mouth sending a message to your brain of the loss of heat. Now you know.
- While vanilla is the most sold ice-cream flavor across the globe, chocolate ice cream was created first. The first chocolate ice-cream recipe is recorded in the book “The Modern Steward” n 1692.
- It takes approximately 50 licks to finish an ice-cream cone.
- In 1776, America’s first ice cream parlor opened its doors in New York.